We’re continuing our collaboration with Peter Wiggins over at FCP.co and the good folks at AbelCine to bring you FCP Exchange, our Final Cut Pro X Workshop series. The second session is March 5th in Los Angeles. Just like our events at NAB and FCP EXPO, you’ll learn straight from working professionals. Some highlights:
- Guest filmmaker workflows and case studies.
- Tips and tricks to maximizing Final Cut Pro X from pros and developers.
- Networking and interaction with fellow FCPX editors and enthusiasts.
Session two features Collaborative Workflows and Shared Storage Solutions.
Join the Exchange!
For more information and to register, please visit:
This blog post contains the personal musings of FCPWORKS’ Marketing Director, Noah Kadner. Prior to joining the company, Noah spent several years at Apple where he worked with internal Workflow and Editorial teams in support of Final Cut Pro X customers. Noah also directed a feature film available on iTunes called Social Guidance and wrote “RED: The Ultimate Guide to the Revolutionary Camera.” Noah’s ongoing career goal is communicating digital post-production workflows to experts and enthusiasts alike.You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter at @FCPWORKS.