Our FCP EXPO event at IBC 2015 was a huge success.
We loved working with Alex Snelling and Soho Editors and watching to the great presentations and case studies. Some of the highlights included:
Dashwood 3D’s 360VR Toolbox suite of virtual reality plugins. If you’re interested in VR and the Oculus Rift you need these. Not only can you view live edits on the Oculus Rift you can also do cool things like adding titles in 3D space and transitions.
If VR ever really takes off, these kinds of tools will be essential. Tim also mentioned some secret additional cool features on the way soon. Keep watching this space.
The good gents at Intelligent Assistance again showed great ways to collect metadata on set and follow it all the way through post with Lumberjack System.
Frame.io showed off their cloud-collaboration integration with FCPX. Really a lovely workflow and aesthetically pleasing tool. Blackmagic showed how straightforward and cost-effective 4K production has become thanks to their democratizing gear. Their OB van was pretty awesome too.
Folks from the Apple Marketing team were also on-hand both to give a presentation about the current version of FCPX and profile some interesting case studies. It’s great to see interaction from the team with fellow filmmakers and editors.
Thomas Grove Carter showed off his truly groundbreaking editorial work with some quite impressive commercial spots edited in FCPX.
Other highlights included great networking with folks like Alex4D, whose IBC wrap-up is here and FCP.CO’s Peter Wiggins.
FCP EXPO was a fantastic event and the place to be for FCPX during IBC 2015. For even more information about it, please visit: http://www.fcpworks.com/ibc-2015-fcp-expo/
With any luck we’ll have some videos up from this event to share before too long. We’ll see you all next year.
This blog post contains the personal musings of FCPWORKS’ Marketing Director, Noah Kadner. Prior to joining the company, Noah spent several years at Apple where he worked with internal Workflow and Editorial teams in support of Final Cut Pro X customers. Noah also directed a feature film available on iTunes called Social Guidance and wrote “RED: The Ultimate Guide to the Revolutionary Camera.” Noah’s ongoing career goal is communicating digital post-production workflows to experts and enthusiasts alike.You can follow him on Facebook or Twitter at @FCPWORKS.