FCPX Feature Film Workflow

So… that whole FCPX Feature Film Workflow studio thing that my name got dragged through the mud on… not a lie. It happened, we worked on it, and it’s great to see Mike Matzdorff filling the world in on how it was done in this recent LACPUG presentation:
We’re still not going to give you the name of the movie out of respect for our client (when they’re ready to officially talk about it, they will), but the truth is that a lot of really smart people worked on this, and it’s nice seeing some of them starting to talk about it.
If it wasn’t already obvious, FCPX can and will continue to be used at the highest levels… anything else you hear is basically just FUD.

Sam Mestman, FCPWORKS.
This blog post contains the personal musings of FCPWORKS’ Workflow Architect, Sam Mestman. Sam’s also a regular writer for fcp.co and MovieMaker Magazine, teaches post workflow at RED’s REDucation classes, and is the founder and CEO of We Make Movies, a film collective in Los Angeles and Toronto which is dedicated to making the movie industry not suck. If you’ve got any FCP X questions or need some help putting together a system, drop him an email at workflow@fcpworks.com and you can follow him on Facebook or Twitter at @FCPWORKS.