More on the FCPX Focus Workflow

More about the FCPX Focus Workflow in part one of an excellent piece from FCP.CO’s Peter Wiggins.
"Jan [the main editor] told me at the meeting that he was thinking of cutting a film on FCPX and I didn’t really understand the scope of what he was planning! I’d already cut a film myself on FCPX 10.0.8 and on that basis I ended up becoming a consultant on the project."Sam Mestman FCPWORKS
Please keep watching this blog for more details about this important milestone in the development of Final Cut Pro X and check out:

Sam Mestman, FCPWORKS.
This blog post contains the personal musings of FCPWORKS’ Workflow Architect, Sam Mestman. Sam’s also a regular writer for and MovieMaker Magazine, teaches post workflow at RED’s REDucation classes, and is the founder and CEO of We Make Movies, a film collective in Los Angeles and Toronto which is dedicated to making the movie industry not suck. If you’ve got any FCP X questions or need some help putting together a system, drop him an email at and you can follow him on Facebook or Twitter at @FCPWORKS.